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来源:计算机学院    作者:计算机学院   日期:2024/04/03  浏览:












2.肖腾(2023).基于影像关联图优化的鲁棒SfM方法研究[J].测绘学报,52(6), 1042. (信息地理学T1期刊)

3. Xiao T, Guo S, Wu L, Yan Q, Deng F. A criterion of radial distortion on structure from motion withconsumer-grade cameras[C]. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing andSpatial Information Sciences, 2023, 48: 383-385.(摄影测量与遥感领域EI会议)

4. Wu L, Xiao T, Li H, Deng F (2022).A distributed bundle adjustment method using iterative motionaveraging [C]. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2023, 48: 379-381.(摄影测量与遥感EI会议)

5. Wang C, Xiao T, Gong Z, Yang S, Zhang D, Deng F(2023). Wireless Binocular Stereo Vision Measurement System Based on Improved Coarse-to-fine Matching Algorithm[J]. Structural Control andHealth Monitoring, 2023:1-19.. (SCI )

6. Qu Y,Yan Q, Yang J, Xiao T, Deng F(2022).Total differential photometric mesh refinement with selfadapted mesh denoising[J].Photonics, 2022,10:1-20. (SCI )

7. Wan F, Sun C, He H, Lei G, Xu L, Xiao T (2022).YOLO-LRDD: A Lightweight Method for Road Damage Detection Based on Improved YOLOv5s[J]. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing,2022(98):1-18.(SCI )

8. Xiao T, Yan Q, Ma W, Deng F (2021). Progressive structure from motion by iteratively prioritizingand refining match pairs[J]. Remote Sensing, 13(12):2340.(SCI)

9. Xiao T, Wang X, Deng F, Heipke C (2021). Sequential cycle consistency inference for eliminatingincorrect relative orientations in structure from motion[J]. PFG–Journal of Photogrammetry, RemoteSensing and Geoinformation Science, pp.1–17.(SCI德语区著名期刊)

10. Wang X, Xiao T, Kasten Y (2021). A hybrid global structure from motion method for synchronouslyestimating global rotations and global translations[J]. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and RemoteSensing,174:35–55.(SCI )

11.邓非,颜青松,肖腾(2020).多视密集匹配并行传播GPU-PatchMatch算法[J].测绘学报, 48(06):22-31.(信息地理学T1期刊)

12. Wang X, Xiao T, Gruber M, Heipke C (2019). Robustifying relative orientations with respect to repetitive structures and very short baselines for global sfm[C]. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference onComputer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops.(计算机视觉EI会议)

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